Tuesday 17 December 2019

Taking A Shot - Taryn Leigh Taylor || Review

Hockey star Brett Sillinger's never been afraid of a little trouble. But when his personal life ends up in the tabloids, he knows his career is on thin ice. Luckily, a new team decides to take a chance on him. All he has to do is keep head in the game. But when temptation walks up wearing black knee-high boots, looking for one night of nameless, no-strings passion, well, what's a guy to do?

 Chelsea London is looking to misbehave. What's being good ever gotten her, besides getting dumped and passed over for a big promotion at work? But her one delicious night of rebellion has unexpected consequences--her hot one-night stand is the latest addition to her father's hockey team.

 And suddenly, one night of bad-girldom isn't nearly enough. But one false move, and Brett might spend this season in the penalty box...

Hockey Romance is not something that i have read much of, i have read the odd one or two but thats about it but when this came suggested to me as one i would love by my friend Natalie then i knew she would be right. Brett has managed to get himself in all sorts of drama and he is on the brink of loosing his career when a new team decides to give him the benefit of the doubt all he has to do is be on his best behaviour, keep the drama down and stay out of the papers. Simple right?

Chelsea is fed up of been good, getting passed by for a promotion in favour of her brother, and getting dumped by a man who wasnt even that interested in her - she is ready to be bad for one night. Even if she had planned it down to the tee, but she knew she needed the release. However when the one night turns out to be one night with her fathers teams newest player - one night might last a little longer.

This was a quick sexy read, it had some wonderful writing in it, a leading man to fall head over heels with and suddenly hockey seemed that little more interesting. I liked Chelsea too - she really wanted to be bad but it was so against her nature and i loved her true personality and it was one that Brett could see all along. 

Having not been too familiar with the author i am so glad i was given the chance to share my thoughts on this because it has introduced me to a wonderful writer who clearly writes men i can fall in love with.

*Gifted for review*

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