Tuesday, 30 May 2017

30 day reading challenge || Week 2

So, i failed and only managed 10 days solid reading, then i dropped off the blogging and book radar once again, problem is - i get caught up in work, and then im home late and well - it just doesnt get done. However - i thought i should update where i managed to get too and how far along i managed. Its something i want to get back into as i found it really did make me read more.

Sunday, 28 May 2017

The Summer Seaside Kitchen || Jenny Colgan || Review

Flora is definitely, absolutely sure that escaping from the quiet Scottish island where she grew up to the noise and hustle of the big city was the right choice. What was there for her on Mure? It's a place where everyone has known her all her life, and no one will let her forget the past. In the city, she can be anonymous, ambitious and indulge herself in her hopeless crush on her gorgeous boss, Joel. When a new client demands Flora's presence back on Mure, she's suddenly swept back into life with her brothers (all strapping, loud and seemingly incapable of basic housework) and her father. As Flora indulges her new-found love of cooking and breathes life into the dusty little pink-fronted shop on the harbour, she's also going to have to come to terms with past mistakes - and work out exactly where her future lies...