About Me & PR

Afternoonbookery is run by a 20 something lover of sugar sweet romance, thrillers and the odd bit of smut

Afternoonbookery is my little place to share my thoughts on books and introduce my readers to new books that i have loved along my reading journey.

I am half geek, half disney princess and a lover of pink lipstick. I enjoy gaming (well..the sims and theme park - lets be honest here!) i adore running and cooking (hot damn, i love food!) and i drink copious amounts of tea everyday.

I have worked with the likes of Mills & Boon, Orion Fiction & Penguin as well as some truly awesome indie authors and discovered some fab books along the way as well as making some lifelong friends.

I am available for reviews, promo spots and guest posts - email me on afternoonbooker@gmail.com
Please note if a book isnt suitable i will not respond - please consider my reading tastes before sending a review request. I hope you understand.

 My blog header was made by http://theanniechanieblog.blogspot.com/

I review alot of e-arcs and will state if i have or if a blog post is titled netgalley review/blog tour it will contain a book that is gifted.

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