Sunday, 19 February 2023

January Book Haul


Well, This January i committed to returning to book blogging so what better way to kick that off than picking up a few books. A few where review books, a few 99p bargains and a few physical books so ill share what i picked up, where and what they are about below. 

Tuesday, 14 February 2023

The Shape Of Your Heart - Debbie Howells || Blog Tour


'When the world says “give up”, hope whispers, “try it one more time”.’

Callie’s always been the least ambitious of her sisters but also the happiest, until fate snaps her fiance before they can say I do.

One year later, she is still putting her life back together, but she might be ready for more. With so much life left to live, she has to find a way to be happy.

Nathan knows not everyone gets a second chance at life and he’s not going to waste his. He’s left the city behind, moved to Cornwall and is starting over. When he meets a beautiful woman at the beach it feels like fate, but her heart belongs to someone else.

Could Callie and Nathan be just what the each other needs?