Saturday, 11 March 2023

Love On The Run - Suzie Tullett || Blog Tour


With her ex and her kids away, a woman takes up running and meets a new man - but can they make it to the finish line

Ten years after their divorce, this is the first time Hannah's ex-husband has had the kids for more than a weekend. Her calendar is gloriously blank, ready to be filled with some self-care time. That is, until Hannah's BFFs push her to join a charity race for which she'll need to start training - after all, she's not doing anything else. And her mum nags her to have Aunt Dorothy over for a visit.

So much for me-time...

However, Hannah's not in tip-top shape, and running is a challenge to say the least. Maybe Gabe, the nice-looking personal trainer, can help with that? The more Hannah struggles, the more determined she becomes. But then Hannah is tripped up when she finds out Gabe has ashocking secret. Does this mean he'll be out of the running for a place in her heart?

Friday, 3 March 2023

Paris Requiem - Chris Lloyd|| Blog Tour


A gripping World War II murder mystery—and a beautifully drawn portrait of Paris under Nazi occupation—with compelling and conflicted hero Detective Eddie Giral at its heart. 
 Paris, 1940. 
 As the city adjusts to life under Nazi occupation, Detective Eddie Giral struggles to reconcile his job as a policeman with his new role enforcing a regime he cannot believe in, but must work under. 
 He's sacrificed so much in order to survive in this new world, but the past is not so easily forgotten. When an old friend—and an old flame—reappear, begging for his help, Eddie must decide how far he will go to help those he loves.
 The notion of justice itself quickly becomes as dangerous, blurred, and confused as the war itself. And Eddie’s morale compass, ever on unreliable foundations, will be questioned again and again as the ravages of the German occupation steadily attempt to grind him—and the city he loves—into submission. 
 Negotiating a path between resistance and collaboration, he can remain a good man and do nothing—or risk everything he has achieved in a desperate act of resistance.