Saturday, 20 July 2024

A Love Letter to Paris - Rebecca Raisin || Blog Tour


Late at night when I wander the streets of Paris, my thoughts turn to her… How do I tell her how I feel? 
Perhaps, I need to show her… The pretty little streets of Montmartre are abuzz with a rumour. Apparently a mystery matchmaker, known only as ‘Paris Cupid’, has somehow helped the city’s most famous bachelor find love.
 But old-fashioned romantic Lilou is staying very quiet. She’d just wanted to set up her best friend, and to get on with her life selling whimsical old love letters, in Paris’s famous St. Ouen market. 
She hadn’t imagined her little Paris Cupid project could ever have attracted so many people looking for true, heartfelt romance. Though the truth is that Lilou adores helping people find the right person. Even if her own love life is nothing short of disastrous. 
But then a message arrives. And it’s just for her. Someone is in love with her. Someone who knows her secret. But they’re keeping their own identity secret too… Could it be from cheerful, talkative, flame-haired Felix? Or quiet, beautifully handsome Benoit? Or even Pascale – who drives Lilou mad every day? 
After so long of helping others find their soulmate, is it time for Lilou to find love of her own in Paris herself?

*Gifted my copy for blog tour*
I am a huge Rebecca Raisin fan, there is something about her writing that just whisks you away to the setting so I was very excited to this time be stopping off in Paris the city of Love.  We meet Lilou who has not had the best experiences in love but is a big believer in it - selling romantic letters, diaries and things of eras gone by when it seems true love really did exist. That courting took place and people took the time to get to know each other. 

So when she comes up with an idea of matchmaking in such an old school way she thought it would be a little project to help her best friend and a select few others really find true love. What she didn't anticipate was that storm it would brew. How something so small could get so big and why people want to know more about it. 

Still unlucky herself though she has thrown herself into the project yet when a message arrives for her- its clear someone has lots of words to say but cant quite do it. Who could it be? With a cast of likeable men it could does she even have the time to consider this? 

I really enjoyed this book, it was full of sweeping gestures of romance of times gone by, it was beautifully written that  you could almost smell the pages of every old journal. Rebecca writes beautifully that you really are lost in the pages for a while and just taken away from everyday life.

Rebecca Raisin writes heartwarming romance from her home in sunny Perth, Australia. Her heroines tend to be on the quirky side and her books are usually set in exotic locations so her readers can armchair travel any day of the week. The only downfall about writing about gorgeous heroes who have brains as well as brawn, is falling in love with them – just as well they’re fictional. Rebecca aims to write characters you can see yourself being friends with. People with big hearts who care about relationships and believe in true, once in a lifetime love. Her bestselling novel Rosie’s Travelling Tea Shop has been optioned for film with MRC studios and Frolic Media.

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