‘Oh my god,’ he gasped into her shoulder. ‘Shannon!’ There’s just one problem: her name isn’t Shannon.
Rewind six months and Scarlett and Rufus aren’t in the honeymoon stage anymore so much as the honey-should-we-bother phase. Desperate to get their sparkle back, Scarlett has plotted, planned and waxed more than any woman should have to, but none of it is working. Which makes it very hard to start the family they want.
At least her business is going strong, even if her marriage isn’t. She and her best friend spend their days tangled up in dog leads and covered in fur. Scarlett/ is the fairy dogmother, training hopeless pets like compulsive eater Barkley, impulsive Romeo Murphy and bossy Biscuit. Meanwhile, her best friend walks the dogs and pines for the man who doesn’t know she exists. Thank goodness the women have each other.
If only Scarlett could work out how to get her marriage back on track. But Rufus isn’t sharing his feelings with her. He is, though, sharing with her best friend. Her best friend, Shannon.
I knew straight away this book was going to be my sort of read and something i was seeking as i needed a rest from all the thrillers i had indulged in. What i did expect was such a heartfelt narrative that made me in parts laugh out loud.
Scarlett and Rufus are long past the honeymoon stage and well in to the twilight years stage of netflix binging and evenings in. Scarlett however wants to put a stop to that and makes the full blown body effort to recapture some of their sparkle and fix things as they try to start their family together. This however, does not have the desired effect.
However, its not all as bad as it seems because Scarlett spends her day with all the dogs and her best friend Shannon. When you have your best friend it cant all be that bad can it? Well, when Rufus changes Scarletts world by uttering Shannons name in a moment of passion, everything changes because then Scarlett doesnt even have Shannon anymore. Nor do the dogs really want to behave and it throws Scarletts life into turmoil.
I really enjoyed this so much more than i expected. I felt it tackled a difficult subject in a great way, it was serious when it needed to be, it was funny in those moments when it was too heavy, and i mean im not massively a dog person but i even found myself warming to those naughty doggos.
This wasnt a tale of threes a crowd, it was more fully blown heartache for what could be and how friendship is truly the best type of love. I really felt for Scarlett throughout the whole book, i felt she was trying her best to handle everything but feeling well out of her depth.
Michelle/Lily had me really enjoying this and i am so glad she approached me to review this, not only did she write the characters so well, she wrote the dogs wonderfully all with their own individual personalities and traits, she understood the whole training side of it as well and it made the narrative come to life. I would really recommend this
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